Core concepts of the Lightning Process (LP)

LP combines teachings from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Life Coaching & simple principles of Physiology (endocrine system and neurotransmitters) and principles of Osteopathy. The tools and learnings are based on the principles of the following:

Neuroplasticity - Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change over time, or the ‘muscle building’ part of the brain. Simply by using new ways of thinking, old neural pathways are switched off and replaced by new, more useful, pathways. These pathways are strengthened and become easier, every time we practice an activity or even feel a specific emotion.

Physical Emergency Response (PER) - When the body experiences a threat (such as physical injury, viruses, drug reactions, emotional shock or trauma), it creates a PER, which stimulates the Sympathetic Nervous System and produces stress hormones - cortisol, adrenaline, and other powerful hormones. Short term. this is a great solution, but long- term arousal of this system causes huge disruption to normal Hormone, Immune, Muscle and Digestive System function and changes the way our nerve cells transmit nerve signals.

Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) – This is the interaction between the psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems. Many of us are familiar with this- the stress of the onset of a health issue, combined with other life stressors and imbalanced body systems means we can quickly fall into a downward health spiral. On top of that, dealing with anxiety about the future, and the emotional distress of being well make things even worse.

HealthBianca Smeekes